This site:
Email: Vic Bennett
Email: Vic Bennett
- Custom designs of software and hardware products.
- Architecture development of system level solutions.
- Diagnostic and resolutions of problematic legacy products.
- Responsible for the design of more than a hundred of commercial products comprising
- Software (assemblers, compilers, parsers, simulators, OS applications, drivers,
control systems, computational algorithms,...) - Hardware (emulators, processors, routers and bridges, high security networks,
database hardware, wireless/spread-spectrum products,...); - Patents Current count: 24
- Software (assemblers, compilers, parsers, simulators, OS applications, drivers,
- Typical languages: C, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, SQL, assembly, Verilog, VHDL
- Responsible for the founding and technology of companies that have sold for as much
as half a billion dollars.
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Visral L.P., Co-Founder
Cryptographic Communication:
RSA4096/2048 and AES256 (AES-256-CTR+HMAC-SHA256)
PKCS#11/HMAC for data and control (optional HSM utilization)
True end to end protection plus author/recipient identity validation
Redundancy supports message verification; better be the same
OTR (Asymmetric encryption) available (one-way key encryption)
Two factor messaging == immunity from interception (MITM)
Illegitimate SSL/TLS certificates have no impact on data security
All Comm content on user device is encrypted when not used
Can run off line when in locations with potential hostel networks
Deleted content is shredded using the 7-pass DOD Standard
There are no admin level privileges; think Okta and Twitter
No Cookies, alleviating the most common two-factor bypass attack
Penetrable port 80 (Internet) is not used for any communications
Dynamically changing IPs, port addresses, session keys, and ...
Cryptographic Communication:
- Send Messages, Chats, Files, Pictures, Videos,
Directories, Flying web pages, and Complete sites - Employ protected interactive forms and questionnaires
- Establish communities composed of contacts and teams
- Create Profiles/Websites for each account and team
- Securely deliver software, keys, and launch
video/voice conferencing connections - Manage user privileges: follow, contribute, request, ...
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) (device hardware serial no.)RSA4096/2048 and AES256 (AES-256-CTR+HMAC-SHA256)
PKCS#11/HMAC for data and control (optional HSM utilization)
True end to end protection plus author/recipient identity validation
Redundancy supports message verification; better be the same
OTR (Asymmetric encryption) available (one-way key encryption)
Two factor messaging == immunity from interception (MITM)
Illegitimate SSL/TLS certificates have no impact on data security
All Comm content on user device is encrypted when not used
Can run off line when in locations with potential hostel networks
Deleted content is shredded using the 7-pass DOD Standard
There are no admin level privileges; think Okta and Twitter
No Cookies, alleviating the most common two-factor bypass attack
Penetrable port 80 (Internet) is not used for any communications
Dynamically changing IPs, port addresses, session keys, and ...

SQXL, Founder
Statistical, Scientific, and Business Solutions / Python Operating Environment:
Pertinent Sites: /
Statistical, Scientific, and Business Solutions / Python Operating Environment:
Pertinent Sites: /

- SQXL bridges between Python's powerful financial and scientific solutions and the interactive windows environment users have come to expect.
- Intuitive enough for everyone to use. Powerful enough for the innovative to rapidly create and deploy custom solutions.
- Adaptive process/language automaton. As part of the compilations, all possible backtracking sequences are pre-computed and merged with application specific operations. Executable as a DLL or for greater performance via a hardware implementation.
- Search: less than 1 µsec to retrieve a match out of 64 billion. (2 µsec learn time per item)
- Sorting: linear sort time of up to 64 billion items.
Automaton Builder
Create/Edit: | Syntax/State/Flow Diagrams Graphically with Drag and Drop. |
Convert: | EBNF, ABNF, XBNF, and XML EBNF to Syntax Diagrams. |
Generate: | Parsers & State Machines directly from Syntax Diagrams. |
Convert: | Syntax Diagrams to EBNF. |
Detect: | Direct and Indirect Recursive Terms. |
Automated: | Removal of Direct Recursive Terms. |
Automated: | Simulation and Trace to validate Grammar & State Rules. |
Supplied: | DLL Source Code for rapid implementation. |
Supports: | Virtually unlimited number of instances of Parsers and SMs. |
More: | Generate Intermediate Postfix Representation Automated Common Term and Rule Reduction Automated Real-time Placement and Routing of Diagrams Streaming LL(1) Parser with capacity to stop and restart Portray Precedence within Syntax Diagrams Print or Paste Syntax Diagrams into other documents |

EBNF Forms
Utilizing the output of the Automaton Builder (SQXL) is composed of two arrays that configure the language processor. It is capable of implementing complex handshaking and dynamic data processing. The processor can be implemented via software or hardware. A DLL is available simplifying the software approach and schematics for the hardware. When employing SQXL's learning elements, it is capable implementing adaptive modelling (trueAI).
Language processing model

Calpont, Inc., Co-founder and Investor
Hardware Database Products:
Hardware Database Products:
- Calpont's Database Platform was specifically designed to meet the high performance needs of large distributed access database applications. Calpont's technical foundation was in part based on algorithms that enable the efficient insertion and selection of very large amounts of weakly correlated data in compact arrays of memory. The resulting performance necessitated the creation of other speed matching components leading to such solutions as the hardware SQL engine.
- Calpont SQL Manual More Technical Guide More Installation Guide More
- Calpont database performance brief More
Calpont Hardware Engine Card
Agere, Inc., Stockholder, Board member and Consultant
Network Processors:
Network Processors:
Agere was formed in 1997 with an 8 million dollar investment and a limited license to the
ETAC patent. More
Agere’s product line was based on an updated version of the original ETAC
Ten months later a second round was contemplated with the inside investors offering a 75 million dollar valuation. With an agreement to sell the remainder of the license to Agere for 2 million dollars, the inside investors agreed to raise their valuation to 150 million.
By that time, 65 million in unsolicited investment offers were received and bids from two companies for approximately half a billion each. Fourteen months from its founding Agere was sold to Lucent for 440 million dollars. It was later understood that 1 billion had been set aside by one of the bidders for the purchase of Agere.
Original product proposal. More Agere press release. More - Netrake Corp., Co-founder and investor - Netrake was formed and funded at about the time Agere was sold. It utilized the Agere chip set as well as another set of memory performance algorithms to address recognition of the contents of high-speed network traffic. Netrake's customers including NTT, SBC, and Level3, were attracted by its ability to provide network integrity and service differentiation through content awareness.
Acceletek, Inc., founder
Consulting and Licensing of communications and other products:
Consulting and Licensing of communications and other products:
- Update design of 960 based Access Device and Concentrator to use EDO memory. [NetLink’s NetFRAD(AT&T FrameRelay Choice) and OmniFRAD series of products] More More
- PCI based Modular multi-processor Engine (Used Altera 8452 and two 8820.) with 1.6 Gbps (64 bit main memory) of bandwidth for video server and comm applications with a PCI Master/Slave Interface constructed in single Xilinx 4006E; including Channel Connect and Ethernet daughter cards. [Connectware, Inc.]
- Feed-forward and Adaptive Control System for Varian Ion Implanters (written in C) providing a 300 percent improvement over PID control . -- Required by INTEL in the manufacture of the Pentium Chip. [Varian Extrion] More
- ATM Switching Technology; Entropy Switching. [Developed at the request of HP.] -- Performance verified at the HP Bristol Labs.
- 960 based Bridge/Router and WAN Server [IDEA Associates’ RIAC board] with 2-8 Meg DRAM, Interleaved SRAM, CAM, FLASH, EEPROM, SCA, ISA... supporting “SNA, TCP/IP, Novell SPX/IPX, SNMP(MIB II), and RIP” with Ethernet, “Token Ring, and WAN HDLC/LAPB” with (RS232, X.21, V.35) interfaces. More
- 960 based Integrated Access Device [BBN’s T10, Contracted April 24, delivered working prototypes which were shipped straight to end users mid August] with Dual 2-8 Meg DRAM Memories with Parity, up to 12 SCAs (24 ports), 4 Meg FLASH, EPROM, Serial Port, ISA... supporting “CCITT X.3/X.28/X.29 Async, 3270/2780/3780 Bisync, SNA/SDLC, TCP/IP(including ARP, BGP, EGP, ICMP, SNMP, SPF, Telnet, and TFTP), and Ethernet”, RS232, V.35, X.21 interfaces. More
- 960 based Access Device and Concentrator [Amnet’s RSIC product line and NetLink’s OmniLinx series of products] with Single or Dual 960, 2-8 Meg Interleaved DRAM, 256K SRAM, up to 4 SCAs (8 ports), EEPROM, 640 Megabit Inter-board Packet Bus, ISA... supporting “Frame Relay, SNA/SDLC, Async, Bisync, X.25”, with RS232/V.24, RS530, RS449, X.21, V.35, “T1/E1-DS1”) interfaces. More More
- Monitor and Development System for Communication Controllers; written in 960 assembly and C. -- Used for the development of the above products.
- 960 Accelerator, plug compatible with the 960 providing Transparent Double-Buffering and DMAing. Increased host ethernet speed 50%. [Coral Networks, Inc.]
- State Machine Compiler written in Prolog. Used in the design of other products.
- Blood Gas Analyzer Process and Control System with software written in for 68HC11 in C.
- VGA Enhanced Color Development System written in C.
- Provided a custom high performance Acoustic Processing DSP Memory System design for speciality company in Cambridge Mass.
Obtek, Inc., founder
Consulting and Licensing of communications and other products:
Consulting and Licensing of communications and other products:
Coral Acquisition, Corp., Shareholder, Consultant - Communication Products:
ETAC based 32 Port High Performance FPGA Implemented Communication Controller capable of bridging and routing a million packets per second, supporting FDDI, Ethernet, Token ring, T1, etc. -- SynOptics purchased company to acquire the limited license to ETAC. Synoptics then merged with Wellfleet to become Bay Networks, which in turn was acquired by Nortel. - Developed new algorithms that reduced ETAC memory requirements by 60% and increased performance by 250%.
- Two days following the purchase of Coral, HP call and asked for a presentation. The HP PA RISC group signed NDA and received a presentation of Obtek's technology. Over a number of months HP evaluated the incorporation of ETAC, but concluded the architecture differences would require many significant changes to their finely tuned designs.
- Transferred rights to SynOptics at time of their purchase of Coral. The merger of SynOptics and Wellfleet to Bay Networks, permits Bay to use the license. The chairman of the board, Paul Severino, has announced to stock analysts that they will be using the technology in their next generation of products.
- Sold limited non-exclusive license to Coral Acquisition Corp for use in bridging, routing, and switching equipment that primarily perform bridging, routing, or switching and are not end station. Can not be implemented as a standalone chip and must work as a slave.
- Sold ETAC Evaluation Kits to AT&T, Nortel, Siemens, and others.
- Developed a programming language to allow intuitive and rapid descriptions and parsing of protocols. Used with the ETAC Evaluation Kits and later in the Agere product development.
- Developed ETAC (Executable Translation Array Coprocessor) and filed for patents. The patented algorithms that allowed the way data was stored in memory to significantly increase computational performance. More
Coral Network, Corp., Co-founder, Consultant - Communication Products:
32 Port, 800 Megabit High Performance Discrete(FPGAs + PALs) Communication Bridge capable of 375,000 packets per second filtering and forwarding supporting FDDI, Ethernet, Token ring, T1, T3 and more. More
Cygic, Inc., founder
Joint venture with Intelligent System:
Joint venture with Intelligent System:
- 20 MHz 80386 PC/XT converter/accelerator with 1 Meg of memory and BIOS. - “BIOS done by others” [QuadRam’s Quad386XT] More
- 20 MHz 80386 MS/DOS-compatible Single Board Computer with screen and disk accelerators - “80% of BIOS done by others”
- Tempest PC to 386 Adapter Card for Argonne National Labs
- 10 Mips 8086 MS/DOS-compatible processor with BIOS (600 ic’s) — 25 Mips @ 33 Mhz in 1 micron silicon. More More More
- 10 MHz 8086 PC/XT async accelerator with 32K/92K cache/image of DRAM, and async write-back.
- 10 MHz 8086 MS/DOS-compatible Single Board Computer with hardware screen and disk accelerators - “80% of BIOS done by others” More
- AT BIOS parsing for transparent cascaded multiprocessor operation.
- XT and AT BIOS upgrades, and EMS and device drivers [written in x86 assembly]
- PC/XT and AT EMS memory boards, and AT Multifunction/EMS boards [QuadRam’s Liberty-PC, Liberty-AT, and Quadboard-AT] More
- The first EMS board and device driver to be demonstrated at Comdex; before Intel and Lotus, the authors of the specification could get a product produced.
- Keysaver software Video/Multifunction board. [QuadRam’s Gold-Quadboard]
- 9.54 MHz 8086 PC/XT synchronous accelerator with 4K static cache. [QuadRam’s QuadSprint] More
Emulogic, Inc., Co-founder, VP of R&D
Development System Products:
Development System Products:
- PDP11 based Universal Development System.
- Interface Pods for 8086/88, 68000/10, 8085, Z80/NSC800, 8048, - (Z8001/2, 8080, 6809, 68C05E3/2, 6502 and its mutants, 8031, 68008, 68200, 80186/188, 9989, 8021 were completed by others). More More More
- Table driven Universal Cross-assembler in PDP11 assembly.
- Table driven Universal Cross-assembler Characteristic Tables for 8086/88/186/188, 8085, 8080, 8048/21, Z80/NSC800, 1802, 8X300, - (68000/10/8, Z8001/2, 6809, 6805, 8031/51, 68200, 9989, 6502 were completed by others).
- Emulator monitor code for the following in their assembly: 8086/88/186/188, 8085, 8080, 8048/21, Z80/NSC800, 1802, 8X300, - (68000/10/8, Z8001/2, 6809, 6805, 8031/51, 68200, 9989, 6502 were completed by others).
- Supplied custom emulator based on the MOS Technology 6507 processor to Atari game development.
Security Research Labs, Inc., Co-founder, Director of R&D
Engineering Services:
Engineering Services:
- Ethernet to MultiBus II Controller Card. (Bus-Tek).
- Single-board 8-loop PID controller with time and voltage proportional control, alarm, anti-windup, and non-volatile backup. (Gloucester Engineering).
- Spread-spectrum, secure communication system for industrial process control. More
- Continuous Coefficient-of-Variation specialised computer for real time textile fibre quality monitoring system.
- Network and Circuit Design Program in C and Basic. -- Used to evaluate and automatically design RF Networks to match desired characteristics. More
- Spread Spectrum Processor utilizing a code controlled varactor circuit in place of a xtal clock for the acquisition, modulation and demodulation of spread spectrum signals
- Patents in spread-spectrum.
- Imaging system and digital scanner for microfiche-to-COM recorder system
- Keyboard processing subsystems for fast-food order entry. (Burger King)
- Military fire control station.
- Remote data entry and communication for oil fields.
- Portable intrusion detection and alarm system for retail sales.
- First low-power radio household warning and alarm system sold commercially.
Currier Smith, Inc., Stockholder, Director of Engineering
Security Products:
Security Products:
- First digital dialer system on the market. Units installed in every MacDonald’s and Burger King in US. Resold under ADT name.
- First cryptographic security system US Army was unable to defeat. Sold to major banks, gold refineries, and diamond houses.
- Infrared disturbance detection system.
- Various patents.
- Developed the algorithms for high speed computing of logarithmic and transcendental functions while working part time for Mathatronics. Provided the company with a major advantage over its competition. Became a standard in calculators providing those functions and in certain DSP applications. Information closest to the particular algorithms can be found under the name, Cordic algorithms.
- The design activities of all listed products include the complete architecture, electrical engineering, programming, and debugging unless otherwise indicated. The ETAC Evaluation Kits and Acceletek listed comm products also included board layout and fab of prototypes quantities.
- Clicking a green More will reveal supporting documentation below.
- Acceletek, Obtek, and Cygic were concurrently active.
- Display pseudo-chronological, newest to oldest: Left to right and top to bottom.
- Entries in light grey indicate the described products were never commercialized.